Developer Projects
- Portfolio Web Design: Designed a portfolio website using html, css, Figma, and github.
Engineering Projects
- SCADA/Fiber Installations: Lead designer for the installation of network device racks, connecting fiber communications between stations.
- Breaker Installations and Replacements: Lead designer for high voltage breakers for projects and emergencies.
- Transformer Replacements: Designer for the replacement of 26-4kV transformers.
- Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine: Designed a horizontal-axis turbine that uses pitch control and a pulse-width modulated rectifier to maximize power flow conversion efficiency.
- Power Transformer Technical Design Specifications: Developing design specifications for new power transformers.
- Grid Modeling: Developing risk assessment models for station outages.
- Data Analysis: Data analysis and modelling for incoming data transmitted from High Voltage equipment.
- Asset Health Monitoring: Developing intelligent station programs to determine asset health using PI data.